Welcome to Woodrising Consulting Inc.
We are a Canadian environmental consulting company that specializes in:
  1. corporate environmental communications including sales and marketting;
  2. greenhouse gas emission management including greenhouse gas emission inventories and management plans; and
  3. assessment (LCA) and design of projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions - particularly related to bioenergy, landfills, land use management, and natural gas and oil pipelines.
Since 1993, we have worked on projects in Africa (Ethiopia,Kenya and Uganda), Latin America (specifically Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru ), China, India, Pakistan and Canada.
Woodrising has offices in southern Ontario, Canada and Styria, Austria. 

May 25: Neil Bird serves as lead peer reviewer for the American Carbon Registry (ACR) Grazing Land and Livestock Management (GLLM) greenhouse gas offset methodology.


January - April: Aline Mayer and Neil Bird make presentations on climate change and the roles of transportation and agriculture in personal greenhouse gas emissions.