Greenhouse Gas Management
Whether you are looking of advice on greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategies for your company, have a project that may reduce GHGs
or sequester carbon, would like advice and information on the current policies concerning GHGs, or are concerned about agricultural
adaptation to climate change, we believe we could help you.
We have expertise specifically in the estimation of GHGs from agriculture,
forestry and other land use, landfill gas generation and capture, and bioenergy. We assess the emission benefits that may accrue from
projects in these sectors.
Our past clients include:
Recent Reports & Publications
- The World Bank
- Enbridge Inc. and its affiliates
- Mikro-Tek
- Clean Development Mechanism Secretariat
- The Governments of Argentina, Canada
- The Government of Ontario
- Sierra Club of Canada
- The American Carbon Registry
- The Town of Caledon